Olongapo Telecom & Information Technology

Friday, November 11, 2005

Disposable web-based e-mail service hopes to dodge spam

By Erwin Lemuel Oliva, INQ7.net

A new web-based e-mail service launched by GreenSloth.com offers free, disposable e-mail that expires four hours after use. The catch is that people may be able to view your e-mail since it does not require a password.

To create a temporary web-based e-mail, users have to visit http://www.greensloth.com/, create an address -- e.g. erwin.oliva@greensloth.com -- and hit the check button. This will bring you to your virtual mailbox. You can now start using this address, albeit for a short time.

"GreenSloth.com is a new type of free web based e-mail mainly used to avoid spammers from putting your real e-mail address on their mailing lists when you sign up for forums or other offers online.

Greensloth.com http://Greensloth.com is what you would call a 'throw away' or 'disposable' email service. You can use the email address then forget about it, and you never have to sign up to use our free service," reads the web-based service's frequently-asked-questions section.

To check your email, you just type in the e-mail address you used into a box on the main page and hit the "Checkmail" button. Since this service requires no password, anyone can read your mailbox.

This service is also riddled with online advertisements


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